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Monday, July 4, 2011

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  • whitecollarslave
    01-11 03:53 PM
    Can somebody comment on the following two things? This has been asked twice before on this thread (once by me and again by somebody else) but has gone unanswered.

    1. How many unused visa numbers can be re-captured? Out of those re-captured, how many can be applied to EB categories? I know this is difficult to estimate this but if we believe that recapturing unused visas would help the retrogression issue, we ought to have some idea (in hundreds? thousands? more?) as to how many visa numbers can be re-captured and used towards EB categories.

    2. Does the President have the authority to implement an administrative relief in this matter, particularly to recapture the unused immigrant visas? Elsewhere I have read that only congress has the authority to do this.

    Please provide links/references or analysis to back up the claims.

    Disclaimer: This is not to discourage anybody, rather just a healthy skepticism.

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  • SunnySurya
    08-07 01:26 PM
    You stand is understandable, but I still will urge you to join me. It is of course not illegal but unfair towards the people already in EB2 line. If there were no limits on visas, it will not have been an issue to begin with. Think about the depth of the issue.
    Hi SunnySurya an Rolling_flood,

    I am EB2 and have a Masters but I don't support your case or even the basis of it. Mostly it is because I don't think MOST of the folks who use PD porting are doing it illegally or even cutting through the line undeservedly. If I am not wrong, these folks will have put in the time (work exp wise and/or added higher education) and should rightfully get the position certified as EB2.

    Now granted that there are always a small minority people who genuinely are not deserving. First, can you define in your view what kind of PD porting is unethical?

    Additionally, can you back up your claims by providing any kind of stats of such cases per year and how much impact it really causes to the GC wait time of those already waiting in queue for EB2? Are they that significant for you and Rolling Stone to feel so wronged?

    In conclusion, unlike the unjust labor substitution process, your case is not convincing because I don't think most people availing PD porting are doing anything wrong legally and ethically. I would love to see stats and examples though.


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  • gc_nebraska
    08-17 12:49 PM

    Received CPO mail today for self, wife but then after 30 mins the status changed to 'deceison' .
    Does this mean I am greened?

    EB2 - India PD DEC 22 2005. NSC
    I-485 receipt date: Aug 21 2007.
    Opened SR on 08/11/2010

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  • optimystic
    08-21 08:30 PM
    I think the division of Eb2 and EB3 will be over when oct VB comes. Mostly Eb3 will go back 2003 or 2004 and Eb3 date may be 2002. At that time there will be unity.

    The current visa bulletin says EB3 PDs may go back to the level that was in June 08 visa bulletin or worser. So it is very likely that EB3 will be anywhere between Apr 2001 to Nov 2001. Personally I would be happy if it remained at least beyond May 2001.

    I dont see EB3 moving to 2002 unless USCIS wants to agressively move it forward, so that they can continue their unfair trend of procesing some out of order low hanging fruit cases in EB3 category, just because they are sitting on the top of their applications pile, even if they had much later PDs. Just like they are doing with EB2

    What will unite people is to fight against the common pain point... *Unfair advantage given to out of order applicants* , whether it be EB2 or EB3, who are much later in the queue, but some how are on the top of application piles, and easily accessible to IOs- who are making DOS move the PDs, just so that they can clear of their tables by approving these cases, rather than trying to access applications in FIFO and follow a fair process.

    The whole EB2-EB3 divide arose out of this unfair practice of USCIS. Which just on their whim move PDs forward , be it EB3 or EB2. It just happened, that EB2 date has been moved more aggressively, probably because there is less backlog there. But looking at all the EB2 people still waiting with 2003, 2004 PDs while 2006 are getting approvals, indicates that the real problem is USCIS not doing due diligence to identify the right cases to be processed next and get the exact count of such cases.

    Just asking them to recapture visa numbers or cyring foul against wasted numbers etc will still not solve the problem unless we also FORCE them to follow FIFO and process cases FAIRLY. And do their due diligence to spend some time and put their application piles in proper order. Otherwise USCIS will continue to use these recaptured visas and use them to approve FU***&G Out of Order cases and manipulate & play the system to achieve that by jumping around the PD up/down/'U' and what not, just so because it is *convenient* for them to do so.


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  • imh1b
    10-25 04:11 PM
    IV should send a letter to Vonage CEO asking to put pressure on Obama and Senators to approve GCs quickly. We have been very good customers of Vonage.

    What a stupid idea.

    Why don't you write a letter to the CEO and threaten to cancel your vonage subscription if the CEO does not help you get a green card.

    Let us see if you choose to do it and lose your $10-15 dollars of savings every month via Vonage in the interest of gaining your greencard!!!

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  • gc28262
    09-09 02:50 PM
    Called all except Steve King.
    called my local congressman too.


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  • Edison99
    10-07 09:41 AM
    fatjoe - Good luck with your effort!

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  • angelfire76
    04-24 06:37 PM
    May I ask your immigration status. I believe you already got your GC and roaming around here just beat shit out of others. Each and every of your post is convincing me in that direction only. You would be happy to see the H1 guys thrown out from here. So it will increase your demand and you can make more money. What kind of person you are. is there any difference between you and anti-immigrant. Or are you that coming with Indian name to make fool out of us.

    If you dont believe me, you read all your posts again. You are always talking about banning desi consultant. You are more than welcome for that. But you did you even thought about a second for guys who are genuine and unfortunate to work for them.

    People are already stressed out. If you got your GC please go-away and enjoy your freedom.

    Probably a labor sub guy who got his GC by accident and now can't land a job due to a non-existent skillset. Now how do you market yourself when you are the crappiest product: get rid of the competition and be the only show in town. :rolleyes:


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  • Robert Kumar
    04-04 06:32 AM
    Getting any sort of data out of any of the immigration agencies is often frustrating. Especially something like how many eb2 I-140 did they accept, approve, deny... However, they do randomly throw number out and we can scavenge through them for `clues'. Here is one such link.
    USCIS: National Processing Volumes and Trends (http://dashboard.uscis.gov/index.cfm?formtype=7&office=5&charttype=1)

    I agree, thanks.

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  • krishnam70
    06-18 08:38 PM
    I was unable to file for my son since he aged out over a year ago because of long delay in labor cert. However, I filed for my spouse and we both submitted G325A in accordance with instructions from my international services division at work.
    thank you appreciate your response


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  • kewlchap
    10-10 06:33 PM

    Got the email about being registered as a new permanent resident on Oct 8th. Thanks to SoP, caliguy, fatjoe and all others on the forum who helped / gave me support. I essentially learned that USCIS will not move quickly on their own, they need to be pursued just like any other govt. office in India. I give my time line below for an idea of what I did. If anyone is waiting still, I sincerely think that you should do all of POJ/SR/Infopass/Senator/Ombudsman.


    Sept 1st - became current
    Sept 5th - contacted NSC several times through POJ. Finally, a very nice lady told me that my case was not even assigned to an officer. Said that she will send in a request to the contractor to pull my case out and get it assigned to an officer.
    Sept 11th - Case pulled out of storage area and moved to a smaller waiting room [got this info later, but this is what had happened]
    Sept 13th: Opened SR.
    Sept 18th - Infopass: Told me that my case was assigned to an officer on Sept 11th (which was wrong really) and that I should wait 30 days. Also told me that my FP were renewed on March 9th and all my checks were clear.
    Sept 20th: Contacted Senator's office. Said they will send in inquiry.
    Sept 25: Response to SR. Case under review. Wait 30 days.
    Sept 27th: Letter from Senator saying my case was under review and I need to wait 30 days.
    Oct 2nd: Contacted NSC again through POJ method. A nice lady, Terry, told me that my case was assigned to officer on Sept 30th. She said, "your case was pulled out of storage and put in a rather large holding area where it was till Sept 30th." Also confirmed that my FP was renewed and other checks were clear. Said, just wait, it will happen soon.
    Oct 6th: Sent 7001 form to USCIS Ombudsman.
    Oct 8th: Got decision email.

    Learnings: Pursue your case as much as you can. Call NSC, but be polite. They are usually in good mood on Thu/Friday evenings and if you make some small talk, they will help you. I kept records of which NSC IO is rude and if they picked up the next time, I would just keep the phone down. In fact, the lady who helped me remembered me 'coz I managed to reach her 3 times. Dont just ask for status, say that you have called in the past and so far you know xxxx about your case. Some IOs are nice, some are rude. Nice ones actually tried to explain the entire storage area, holding area, supervisor supply chain to me. I think I kind of understand the process that happens at NSC just through these conversations now. Approach Ombudsman asap with form 7001. Call your Senator office and ask to speak to the immigration person. They are very understanding and will help you.

    Long-ish email, but thought that I will put it out there, and it might help someone stuck in this morass. If you need more info, ask me / PM me. I will be around these forums for some more time.

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  • Milind123
    01-24 11:16 AM
    I had the misfortune of travelling thru London in December on my way to Mumbai. After I purchased my tickets, I learnt that I need a transit visa (TV) for UK. (Who is going to tell them (UK) that they are no longer the center of attraction esp. if you have lived and worked in US). Anyway, as per the rules, you need a transit visa if you don�t have a valid US visa. (Note: If you have AP, and don�t have a valid visa, you still need a TV).

    I went to their site and did all the research to get a TV. Good god Heavens! Has anyone filled out their painful form for a TV? Besides asking the usual details, they get extremely nosy. They want to know each and everything about you. Where you work, what money do you make, name of your wife, kids and their citizenship status, name of your father and mother and where they were born, their birth date, how much money you have and where the money is (stocks, bonds, CDS) etc. etc. While filling up the form I realized that, even my future father in law did not pose so many probing questions to me. (Please note: I don�t mind answering these silly questions for a regular visa, but for the damn TV, it is certainly overkill).

    Anyway to cut the long story short. The regular cost of TV is/was $92. However, when I filled up the application form they were asking for $184. (The satisfaction of getting a good deal on the tickets was quickly evaporating). I assumed I must have made a mistake in thinking the cost to be $92 and reluctantly paid $184. Next it was time to fill the application for my wife and answer the idiotic questions again. You should have seen the �I will kill you right now� look on my wife�s face after I woke her up in the middle of night and asked details about her parents. After I filled up the form, to my surprise, now they were asking $274 for visa fees. It was already 2:00 am and I have no choice but to painfully enter my credit card details, hoping that they would realize the mistake in their recon process and would reimburse the difference. (Of course, I was only dreaming).

    It is now almost the end of January and I have still now received any money from them. I have tried sending several email to the emb(ass)y, but none of their emails work. I get bounced email for all the emails that I have used. I have tried calling them and left messages and no one has called back. I have send emails to my credit card company and the people who processed the payment and none of them have been able to help me. There is a way to talk to someone in the emb(ass)y, but you need to dial a 900 number, which BTW costs $2.49 per minute. Throwing good money after bad is not an option.

    I just wanted to share this experience with you and remind you of the pain ahead, if you are travelling thru UK and don�t have a valid US visa. Personally, even if they had charged me the regular $92, I will still use other options to travel next time. The amount of time wasted in filling the crappy application form, going to NY, (starting Dec doing your finger prints) is simply too much to handle. Visiting your motherland/fatherland is a very special occasion and all these intermediate steps certainly water down the �good feeling� that you experience during the days leading to your trip.

    I haven�t given up my quest for a refund, but now, not only I want my money back I would like to bring back home the Koh-i-noor too.


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  • pappu
    06-21 09:07 PM
    For those looking for answers on this subject (multiple 485s) , do your own research and post your solution. If you have a lawyer's reply, post it here.

    I will also be doing research this weekend on this subject and post here.

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  • gc4me
    11-18 11:01 AM
    I received a phone call (WOW!) from a sweet lady from CIS Ombudsman's office. I sent letters to his office and in the letter I mentioned my cell #. Anyway she wants a real person who got deniel. I told her that my friend got deniel (IVens are my fried). Anyway, she sent an email too after I asked her to give her info so that my friend can send her his case details. Unfortunately, the email I received shortly after the conversation, looks like general and does not have her ID. Please PM me if you like to hear more about the phone call.
    Thank you for your correspondence to the Office of the Citizenship and Immigration Services Ombudsman (CIS Ombudsman).

    We greatly appreciate your comments regarding issues concerning the American Competitiveness Act in the Twenty-First Century Act of 2000 (AC21) processing at the service centers. As we have received several inquiries such as yours, we are currently discussing these issues with USCIS and reviewing their policies and procedures regarding adjudication of these petitions.

    If you have evidence of a specific I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status case that you feel was erroneously denied due to USCIS not adhering to AC21 guidelines, we kindly ask that you please immediately forward us a case problem request, including a copy of your denial notice, detailed information as to the reasons for the immediate denial, and, if appropriate, evidence that you have submitted a Motion to Reopen or Reconsider.

    Instructions for completing a DHS Form 7001 (case problem) can be found on our website: http://www.dhs.gov/ximgtn/programs/editorial_0497.shtm#10.

    Please submit your case problem and supporting documents via email to cisombudsman@dhs.gov or via facsimile to 202-357-0042 with the subject AC21 Evidence of Immediate Denial.

    Thank you for your cooperation.


    CIS Ombudsman


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  • mallikonnet
    07-09 10:37 PM
    I totally support the blood donation idea. I am pretty sure, a blood donation drive would be front page news on American Red Cross web site also. It should send out a message that the GC is so important to us.

    The actual collection of blood hopefully will be fully carried out by the American Red Cross.





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  • nk2006
    07-11 09:00 AM
    This is about me. I was photographed yesterday!!
    Great job...glus. Please send a link to the article to all your friends, family, collegues etc. I request all other members to do the same/similar. Its excellent that this campaign is working, we have to sustain it as long as its possible thru word of mouth/email/news etc.


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  • nk2006
    11-07 09:35 AM
    Sending my letters this evening. finished everything moments ago..

    friends: This is the time to act. I havent yet used AC21 but god forbid if I have to use it in this economy I dont want to be in this mess.

    Sorry for the folks who received denials and hope we come out this together..

    Thanks laborchic.

    Yes this has the potential to affect everyone - look at today's main news - 240k more jobs are lost and prediction that economy can get much more worse. The last thing we want in these times is another GC/visa related issue at back of our minds. This is the time to act before its too late.

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  • nyit
    06-21 04:24 PM
    Can any one tell how to print the Forms that are longer than 1 page? Should it be one sided or 2 sided?


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  • desi3933
    08-07 12:44 PM

    I guess Mr. Sunshine will be out then, he said he is shit scared that he is going to loose his job...Dude, I say go home, NOW, aren't you ashamed about your sorry job....

    I strongly disagree with you. No one has right to say to anyone else to go home.

    We may not agree with SunnySurya for this lawsuit, but we should keep debate civilized. No personal attacks please.

    Permanent Resident since 2002

    07-11 10:05 AM
    Please delete if it is duplicated. There seems to be two different news items in NYTimes.


    One is the story that Nina Bernstein did for NYT. The other one is Reuters story which was picked by hundreds of media organizations.

    06-29 01:57 PM
    Guys, Are we sure that Fedex will not deliver on saturday or sunday, what will happen if they deliver, nobody will be at USCIS to accept right, so it will still be opened only on monday ?

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